Сервисные Лифты



It is a small service traction elevator with or without a machine room for small capacities. It is suitable for service jobs such as libraries, restaurants, hotels, department stores or residential.

Travel from 12 to 15 meters

Smooth and quiet operation.

Easily adapts to tight spaces.

In the event of a power outage, it has

an alternative system that allows

reaching the closest level, allowing the

safe exit of passengers.

Energy consumption only on the rise.

On the way down, use gravity without

the need to consume.

low-cost installation and

maintenance prices.

Fewer number of components.

Сервисные Лифты


Соответствие стандартам EN-81 и директивы 2006/42 / EC 
Грузоподъёмность 250 кг
Высота подъёма до 30 м. (12 остановок).
Бесшумное и плавное движение
Простая и быстрая установка
Лёгкая конструкция
Минимальная высота машинного отделения
Скорость 0.5 м/сек